Tuesday, 28 August 2012

...scene girl...?

One of my good friends posted a status today. It read, ‘The awkward moment when a “scene girl” complains about her friends becoming “scene girls”….lol’.

I do not consider myself a “scene girl”, nor have I observed any of my friends becoming one. To be honest, I never really knew what that stereotype was. 

One girl loosely defined the term as “…a girl who completely absorbs herself in the night life, (aka) the "scene", and forgets everyone and everything around her, (who) will forget who her true friends are and step on top of everyone to get to the top”.

Woh, woh, woh. Step back, and a big fat hell no!

That’s the definition of a fucking bitch.

Ok, I know this whole, “scene girl” debacle technically has nothing to do with me and wasn’t an attack on me in the slightest, but it made me feel like a shit human and prompted me to defend the wrongly accused chicks, like myself, in the industry.

I have often been referenced as a scene girl, because I go out and have a good time. True. The thing is, I don’t take advantage of anyone. And I sure as hell don’t make friends based on how much free shit I get.

So no matter what you say, or how you look at it, I’m not a scene girl. I’m just a promoter, which is a hell-uv-a lot worse in my opinion. Seriously, I just like to go out to have fun and drink at places to form new networks to eventually get them to come to Marco Polo at ivy pool... (HA! See what I did there?)

Yeah sure, you’ll hear me say, “I didn’t pay for a thing tonight”, and you may see me use my connections to walk-in entry free, but that’s purely because I’m a full-time student with a part-time bar job and an unpaid internship. I’m just a fucking tight-ass and I expect people to do the same to me when I'm working.

My definition of a scene girl? Girls who wear the same shit every weekend. Those who wear Black Milk galaxy printed lycra leggings, or those black and white striped leggings that make a chicks box look like a burger, paired with galaxy Jeffrey Campbell Lita's and act like fuckwits in the cross. Just stop.

G x.

Josh Hedge

My old friend Josh Hedge is a very talented photographer. Here are just some of his images that I have favourited! You can check the rest out here.

G x.

Kickin' it old skool

Steve Madden Look book. Cool piccas
G x.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

El ranto.

Nothing pisses me off more than rudeness. It never ceases to amaze me just how rude some people can be! It’s probably one of the most unnecessary qualities someone can possess. It’s not going to achieve anything, except for people thinking you’re a bitch. So hey, if that’s what your aiming for, good luck with your life.

I see it everywhere. Arrogant and demanding customers at work, impatient and self-absorbed business people waiting for a train, assholes in peak hour traffic, and eighteen year old gangas thinking they’re top shit waiting to get into a club or waiting to get a vodka raspberry or just trying to get to the other side of the dance floor via the most logical route….straight down the middle (seriously girls stop pushing myself and everyone else out of the way – we’re more important than you anyway, believe me.)

From time to time, I help my mum in our second-hand book exchange in the northern suburbs of Sydney. Today I had the pleasure of serving this seemingly sweet fifty-something year old lady. I was being my usual lovely self – smiley, chatty and ever so helpful, discussing what would be an enjoyable, ‘light’ read for her. Now, I doubt many of you (if any) have visited a book exchange before. It works a little like this. You bring books in that you don’t want anymore, we assess how much credit we give you based on our pricing system, you then use that credit towards buying more books. However, the catch is that it expires after twelve months. Like a gift voucher to Myer. Simple right?

Apparently not.

So this chick right, her name was Victoria, finally decides on her ‘light’ reading and comes up to the counter. Says she has credit, I tell her it’s expired, and shit gets fucking real.

She exploded, calling me a thief, accusing me of robbing her of cash. I fought back, explaining the conditions of trade, pointing out the signs in the shop that clearly state, 'CREDIT EXPIRES AFTER TWELVE MONTHS'.

Apparently to her, the system is just as much of a robbery as gift vouchers.

Anyway, to cut this long story short, she made me cry twice as she came in a second time after her "appointment" to yell at me for being a thief. I did NOT give in, and she did NOT get her $4.50 credit reinstated.

If she had been civil, I probably would have given it to her.

Moral of the story? Be nice to people..... and the customer is most definitely not always right.

And Vicky, I hope for the rest of your sad life, your boobs sag to your knees and people give you expired gift vouchers.

G x.

In my element.

So this is me, at home, doing what I do. 
A series of four photos taken for a girlfriend's photography assignment. 
G x.


Think violet, lilac, lavenders... all different hues of purple are going to be massive in the coming months. I adore! 
G x.

Pina Colada

Hurry up Summer! I've missed you!
G x.


Hey lovelies!

So today being a Tuesday is the day I intern at Launch Fashion in Sydney. I'm loving working with the team - and the clothes! To die for! Launch manage labels such as Stylestalker, Finders Keepers, Cameo, Toi et moi, House of Wilde and so many more!

I spent most of the day making sure the Showroom always looked amazing and the ranges were kept in lookbook order. I love being able to fondle with all the beautiful clothes - I'm gaining so much inspiration from the colours, prints and the ranges themselves - it's really pushing me into a more fashion orientated direction in regards to what I want to do with my life.

House of Wilde's by Alice McCall is largely made up of prints in clashing bright colours, as well as oversized knits in dark red, navy and cream. I'm particularly more partial to the bright tees with sequinned elements.

The best part of my day was handling the new Stylestalker Autumn Range for next season. As usual, there are so many amazing pieces. Neon knits coupled with galactic-inspired prints, lace and leather and  a lot of pastel blue and violet. Everything is so hot!

Short post- but I have to run!

Enjoy your night,
G x,

Monday, 20 August 2012

Fun! Colour! Fun!

Just a bit of  colour to brighten up the darknest nights..
Sweet dreams,
G x.

Foxy lady

This bond girl inspired campaign for Wildfox Swim '13 with Cintia Dicker is one of the hottest things I've seen in awhile. Gorgeous and super badass! I want to be a bond girl!
G x.